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Workplace delegates’ rights terms in enterprise agreements

10 Jul 2024

A workplace delegates’ rights term must be included in all enterprise agreements. 

Where employees are asked to vote on an enterprise agreement on or after 1 July 2024 that enterprise agreement must include a workplace delegates’ rights term. This is due to changes arising from the Fair Work Legislation Amendment (Closing Loopholes) Act 2023.

A workplace delegates’ rights term is about the exercise of the rights of workplace delegates. The term provides entitlements to:

  • communication with employees that the delegate can represent 
  • access to relevant workplaces and workplace facilities
  • training for delegates. 

A statement from Vice President Asbury with the final workplace delegates’ rights term was issued on 28 June 2024. The new term has been inserted into all 155 modern awards.  

You can find the updated awards from the Find an award page on our website. 

How to write the term 

You can either: 

  • use the workplace delegates’ rights term in the modern award that covers the workplace delegates (if more than one modern award covers the workplace delegates, use the most favourable delegates’ rights term from those awards)
  • write your own term that is no less favourable than the delegates’ rights term in the modern award (or awards) that covers the employees. 

If the agreement does not include a workplace delegates’ rights term, the term set out in the relevant modern award will be included.

This will be noted in the decision approving the agreement. 

If the term is less favourable 

The most favourable workplace delegates’ rights term from the modern award (or awards) that cover the workplace delegates will apply AND the delegates’ rights term in the agreement has no effect. 

See our Delegates’ rights terms infographic (pdf) to understand these changes to agreement making. 


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