Most unfair dismissal cases follow the same process. But we look at the facts of each case, so sometimes the process changes.
The steps on this page set out the usual process we follow for this type of case. Some cases are different. We will tell you if we're going to follow a different process for your case.
We usually hold an optional conciliation meeting about 5 weeks after receiving the application. 3 out of 4 cases are resolved at conciliation. Complete our online learning module to learn more about the conciliation process. See Preparing for an unfair dismissal conciliation.
Cases that are not resolved at conciliation are decided by a Commission Member. A Commission Member will usually issue their decision within 12 weeks after the hearing has finished or the last date for submissions (whichever is later). More information on timeframes is available at our Timeframes for decisions page.

Help with the process
We can give you information to help you know what usually happens at each step, and how long it might take. You can contact us if you have questions.
We can give you information about our processes, but we can't give you legal advice.
Legal help may be available for employers and employees, including free legal advice for eligible people and small businesses. You can choose to ask a lawyer or agent for help, or you can represent yourself.