When you develop an agreement, you must use specific terms or clauses. We explain how to write them or where to find them in the Fair Work Act.
On this page:
The Agreement may contain terms that are financial (‘monetary’) benefits and non-financial. Some terms are mandatory and have to be in an agreement.
Delegates rights’ term
Include a delegates’ rights term that provides for the exercise of the rights of workplace delegates.
How to write the term
You can either:
- use the text from:
- the delegates’ rights term in a modern award that covers the workplace delegates
OR - if more than one modern award covers the workplace delegates, the most favourable delegates’ rights term from those awards
- the delegates’ rights term in a modern award that covers the workplace delegates
- draft your own term that is no less favourable than the delegates’ rights term in the modern award (or awards) that covers the employees.
If the term is less favourable
The most favourable delegates’ rights term from the modern award (or awards) that cover the workplace delegates will apply AND the delegates’ rights term in the agreement has no effect.
Under the Closing Loopholes Act, all modern awards must be changed to include a delegates’ rights term from 1 July 2024.
We published a draft delegates’ rights term on 10 May 2024 following consultation with interested parties. Final determinations changing modern awards will be published by 28 June 2024.
You can read more about this case by visiting the Variation of modern awards to include a delegates’ rights term webpage.
You do not need to include a delegates’ rights term in an agreement if:
• employees were asked to vote on the agreement before 1 July 2024; AND
• by that vote, the employees approve the agreement (this can occur on or after 1 July 2024).
‘Coverage’ term
Include a coverage term to set out which employees the agreement will cover. It’s common to specify:
- the employer
- which employees the agreement will cover
- work that the employees will perform
- locations where the employees will do the work.
'Who does this agreement cover?
(a) This agreement will cover:
(1) Darren’s Motor Garage Pty Ltd (Company) in respect of its employees at the Southport garage who are covered by this agreement, and
(2) Employees of the Company at the Southport garage who are covered by the classifications set out in clause X of the agreement undertaking vehicle repair or maintenance activities (Employees).'
‘Dispute settlement’ term
Include a dispute settlement term to explain the process to solve problems. Your agreement must address disputes between the employer and employee about:
- the contents of the agreement
- the National Employment Standards.
The term must let or make someone settle a dispute. This person:
- can be the Fair Work Commission or another independent person
- cannot be only the managing director of the employer
- cannot be a disputes board with officials from a union the agreement covers.
The term must let employees have a representative during the dispute.
How to write the term
You can either:
- draft your own term that meets the rules in section 186(6) of the Fair Work Act 2009 OR
- use the text from Schedule 3 of the Fair Work (Model Terms) Determination 2025: Model term for enterprise agreements about dealing with disputes.
If this term is missing or incorrect
The Commission may approve the agreement with undertakings.
‘Consultation’ term
Include a consultation term to say you will consult with employees about:
- a workplace change with a major impact AND
- a change to the regular roster or ordinary hours of work.
The consultation term must allow employees to have a representative during consultations.
For changes to the regular roster or ordinary hours, the term must require the employer to:
- give employees information about the change
- invite employees to give their views about the change
- consider the views of employees.
How to write the term
You can either:
- draft your own term that meets the rules in section 205 of the Fair Work Act 2009 OR
- use the text from Schedule 2 of the Fair Work (Model Terms) Determination 2025: Model consultation term for enterprise agreements.
If this term is missing or incorrect
A model consultation term will be taken to be a term of your agreement per section 205(2) of the Fair Work Act.
- If your employees were asked to vote to approve your agreement before 26 February 2025, and by that vote your employees approved the agreement, the old model consultation term in Schedule 2.3 of the Fair Work Regulations 2009 will be taken to be a term of your agreement.
- If your employees were asked to vote to approve your agreement on or after 26 February 2025, and by that vote your employees approved the agreement, the new model consultation term in Schedule 2 of the Fair Work (Model Terms) Determination 2025 will be taken to be a term of your agreement.
‘Flexibility’ term
A flexibility term allows you to make an individual flexibility arrangement (IFA) with an employee. This IFA can change the effect of the terms you specify. The employer or the employee must have a genuine need for an IFA.
How to write the term
You can either:
- draft your own term that meets the rules in section 202, section 203 and section 204 of the Fair Work Act 2009 OR
- use the text from Schedule 1 of the Fair Work (Model Terms) Determination 2025: Model flexibility term for enterprise agreements.
If this term is missing or incorrect
A model flexibility term will be taken to be a term of your agreement per section 202(4) of the Fair Work Act.
- If your employees were asked to vote to approve your agreement before 26 February 2025, and by that vote your employees approved the agreement, the old model flexibility term in Schedule 2.2 of the Fair Work Regulations 2009 will be taken to be a term of your agreement.
- If employees were asked to vote to approve your agreement on or after 26 February 2025, and by that vote your employees approved the agreement, the new model flexibility term in Schedule 1 of the Fair Work (Model Terms) Determination 2025 will be taken to be a term of your Agreement.
‘Commencement’ date
An agreement starts 7 days after the Commission approves it.
You may choose a later start date and ask us to approve it. For example, you may need time to update your payroll system.
‘Nominal expiry’ date
Include a nominal expiry date to say when the agreement will, in theory, end. This can be any time up to 4 years after the date the Commission approves it.
The agreement does not end on that date. It continues to operate after the nominal expiry date. It only stops when the Commission replaces or terminates it.
Common entitlements and conditions
Employees may receive benefits that are financial (‘monetary’) and non-financial. Agreements usually contain the following terms and clauses:
- definitions or glossary to explain what words mean
- hours of work
- classification structure and rates of pay
- penalty and overtime rates
- allowances
- breaks
- deductions authorised by an employee
- a definition of shiftworkers for the purposes of the NES
- the relationship between the agreement and the relevant modern award*
For more information see section 54, section 58 and section 186(5) of the Fair Work Act 2009.
‘NES precedence’ term
It is good practice to put an NES precedence term in an agreement.
We often see errors when an agreement does not meet the NES, which an NES precedence term can fix. See Meet the terms in the National Employment Standards.