Unless an organisation holds an exemption, their elections must be conducted by the Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) and use an approved voting system.
On this page:
The AEC must conduct elections. The exception is if an organisation (or a branch) holds an exemption from us for this requirement.
Voting methods to use
All elections must be conducted using one of the following:
- direct voting system – office holders are elected by and from members of the organisation or branch
- collegiate voting system – office holders are elected by and from a group of office holders who have already been elected (for example, the committee of management electing the president).
Direct voting system elections must use a secret postal ballot, unless the organisation holds an exemption from us that allows for the election to be conducted differently. For example, an organisation might request an exemption that a secret ballot be held in person at a conference or meeting.
Seeking an exemption
Organisations can seek approval to exempt them from the requirements that:
- the AEC conduct an election
- direct voting system elections be conducted by a secret postal ballot.
Contact us at [email protected] for information about exemptions.