The financial report consists of the general purpose financial report (GPFR) and an operating report.
On this page:
The general purpose financial report
The GPFR includes:
- a statement of comprehensive income
- a statement of financial position
- a statement of cash flows
- a statement of changes in equity
- notes to the financial statements
- a subsection 255(2A) report
- an officer declaration statement (if applicable)
- a committee of management statement.
The General Manager's reporting guidelines explain what needs to be reported against these items.
The committee of management statement
This statement is part of the GPFR. The reporting unit’s committee of management must pass a resolution about the matters referred to in the statement. The statement includes declarations about whether in the committee’s opinion:
- the financial statements and notes comply with the Australian Accounting Standards and the General Manager's reporting guidelines
- the financial statements and notes give a true and fair view
- the reporting unit can pay its debts when they are due
- committee meetings are held in accordance with its rules
- financial affairs are managed in accordance with its rules
- financial records are kept and maintained in accordance with the Fair Work (Registered Organisations) Act 2009.
The operating report
The operating report must contain, in relation to the financial year:
- a review of the principal activities of the reporting unit, the results of the activities and any significant changes to them
- details of any significant changes in the reporting unit’s financial affairs
- details of the rights of members to resign
- details of officers or members who are trustees, or directors of a company that is a trustee, or a superannuation entity because they are a member or an officer of a registered organisation
- the number of members at the end of the financial year
- the number of employees expressed as a full-time equivalent figure (if there are none, this should be stated)
- the name of each person who is or has been a member of the committee of management at any time during the financial year, and the period for which they held the position
- any other information the reporting unit considers relevant.
The operating report must be signed and dated by officer(s) of the reporting unit.