Use Form F16 if you have made a single or multi-enterprise agreement and you want to apply for approval. The form is different for greenfields agreements.
On this page:
Who can use this form
Only use Form F16 if you are:
- an employer that the agreement covers
- a bargaining representative for the employer
- a bargaining representative for an employee
- an employee organisation (such as a union).
Before you start
Have this information ready before you start Form F16:
- contact details for the applicant, bargaining representatives and/or unions
- basic details of the agreement, such as its name and the industry it covers
- details of any similar agreements lodged with the Commission for approval.
To ensure your agreement meets the requirements, use our checklist before you apply.
Note: to help us process your application more quickly, please contact us if you are:
- planning a multi-enterprise agreement application
- about to start industry bargaining and plan to lodge a large number of applications.
We store your information in line with the Form F16 privacy notice (pdf).
Apply now
Within 14 calendar days after the agreement is made, you must lodge your application with us.
To fill in and lodge Form F16 online, click the button and follow the prompts to log in or set up an account and get started.
If you cannot apply online, please email us at [email protected] and we'll send you forms you can use.
You can send or deliver your documents to the Commission office near you.
What happens next
After you lodge your form, we assess the agreement and materials you provide.
See The approval process for agreements.
As soon as possible after you lodge the application, you must send (serve) a copy to:
- each employer that the agreement covers AND
- each employee organisation that was a bargaining representative AND
- any employee bargaining representative you are aware of.
Rules and regulations for this form
Fair Work Act 2009: Section 185
Fair Work Commission Rules 2024: Rule 32, Rule 36 and Schedule 1