If you are an employee-like worker and you believe you have been unfairly deactivated from a digital labour platform, you may be able to make an unfair deactivation claim. Use Form F89.
On this page:
Who can use this form
Only use Form F89 if:
- you are an employee-like worker AND
- a digital labour platform operator has changed, suspended or terminated (deactivated) your access to the platform so you can no longer perform work AND
- you have been performing work on a regular basis for a period of at least 6 months (since 26 August 2024) AND
- you earned less than the contractor high income threshold.
If you are an employee and you believe you have been unfairly dismissed by your employer, do not use Form F89. See Apply for unfair dismissal (Form F2).
Before you start
An application is the start of a legal process.
When you lodge this form you will need to pay a fee.
Remember: you must apply within 21 days after the date of your deactivation. It is important to get your application to us on time. You can apply even if you don't have all the information yet. You can send us more details and supporting documents after you have applied.
We can only extend the deadline for lodging an application in exceptional circumstances.
Have this information ready before you start. You will need to tell us:
- your contact details
- your representative’s details (if you have one)
- contact details for the digital labour platform operator (the respondent)
- the date you started working on the digital labour platform
- information about the deactivation
- whether you have earned less than the contractor high income threshold, and
- what outcome you are seeking by making the application.
Answer every question in the form and tell us briefly what happened. If you do not understand a question you can contact us.
See Unfair deactivation for employee-like workers for more information.
We store your information in line with our Privacy notice for Form F89 (pdf).
Apply now
To be able (eligible) to apply to us:
your deactivation must have happened on or after 26 February 2025, and
your annual earnings must be less than the contractor high income threshold.
Email your form to [email protected].
You can also send or deliver your form to the Commission office near you.
The application fee
You need to pay a fee when you apply. The fee for 2024-25 is $87.20 and changes on 1 July each year.
If you email or post your application we will contact you about payment.
We cannot process your application until you pay the fee.
You may not have to pay a fee if this would cause serious financial hardship. Apply for a waiver using Form F80.
What happens next
After we receive your application, we will send (serve) a copy to the other party in the dispute and ask them to respond within 7 days.
We will review your application and contact you with next steps.
Rules and regulations for this form
Fair Work Act 2009: Section 536LU