A regulated road transport contractor may apply to us for a remedy for unfair termination of a services contract. When we receive their application, we will contact you. You must respond within 7 days using Form F90A.
On this page:
Who can use this form
Only use this form if:
- you have been sent (served) an application for an unfair termination remedy (Form F90), AND
- the Form F90 names you as the respondent, or you are responding for the respondent.
Before you start
You are responding to the start of a legal process.
Have this information ready before you start. You will need to tell us:
- your contact details
- your representative’s contact details (if you have one)
- whether you have any jurisdictional or other objections to the application
- your response to what the applicant says in the application.
Only include copies of documents that are directly relevant to the application. We will ask you later if we need more information, documents or evidence.
See Unfair termination for regulated road transport contractors for more information. If you do not understand a question in the form you can contact us.
We store your information in line with our Privacy notice for Form F90A (pdf).
Apply now
Email your response form to [email protected].
You can also send or deliver your document to the Commission office near you.
What happens next
You must send (serve) a copy of this response form and any supporting documents to the applicant and their representative (if they have one) within 7 days after we send you the application.
You can include the applicant in the email you send us. If you send your response to the applicant in a different way, you need to tell us.
We will contact you to tell you what happens next.
Rules and regulations for this form
Fair Work Act 2009: Section 536LU